God’s Mother, Our Mother
As we approach the Feast of the Dormition and the end of the fast, let us take a look at why Orthodox Christians honor the Theotokos and why that given name is so important. When the Word of God, the un-incarnate Logos, took on flesh He did so through the Virgin Mary and she became His mother. Thus, as Steve Christoforou explains in the following video from Be the Bee, it is proper and right for us to call her Theotokos (in Greek, Θεοτόκος) a Greek word that means “God-bearer” or “Birth-giver to God”. Watch and learn more about the incredible role she played in God revealing Himself to the world and why we too should look to her as our mother.
The Role of the Virgin Mary
All worship belongs to God. But we do honor and venerate the Virgin Mary as the greatest of saints and a fervent intercessor. For just as she interceded at Cana of Galilee when there was no more wine, so too will she intercede for us if we ask with faith. In this video from Theoria, Frederica Mathewes-Green further explains how Orthodox Christians view the Virgin Mary and her role in the Church.
You may also enjoy this related video, “Why Do Orthodox Christians Call Mary the Theotokos?”, wherein Frederica continues describing the importance of the title Theotokos.
For Further Study
A quick reminder that August is the last month on the ecclesial calendar. In the following podcast from Ancient Faith Radio, Fr. Thomas Hopko reviews the inspiring feasts that occur during the month of August:
Next week, we’ll learn more about the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. We hope you have a blessed feast!