Living the Word
Do you feel like you’re coming up short, like you’re spinning your wheels and struggling? This Sunday’s epistle and gospel readings offer a bit of hope and a challenge to reorient our lives back to Christ. The following video is the first in a new series from the Archdiocese. It’s a sequel of sorts to the wonderful Be the Bee series and should be worth following each week.
Heaven & Hell
Speaking of Be the Bee, here’s the sixth video in a series of eight from the series that discusses Orthodoxy and some of the basic questions people have about the faith. This week, Steve discusses how some people think that heaven and hell are the places God sends us to either reward or punish us. But Orthodox Christians don’t believe in this “two story” model of the universe. We believe that God is “present in all places and filling all things,” and that what we interpret as salvation or damnation is actually our response to, and experience of, God’s unconditional love.
Are there any virtuous lay people in the world?
Finally, the following video from Pemptousia in which Met. Athanasios of Limassol answers whether there are any virtuous lay people in the world.